5 things worth knowing about 24 movie

Before I get into the 24 movie  let me give you a interesting fact. In Mahabharatha, there is the story of King Raivata Kakudmi who travels to meet the creator Brahma. Even if this trip didn’t last long, when Kakudmi returned back to Earth, 108 yugas had passed on Earth, and it is thought that each yuga represents about 4 million years. The explanation Brahma gave to Kakudmi is that time runs differently in different planes of existence. This was written on 8th century. Isn’t this the story of highly raved movie Interstellar ?  .

Let’s get into the businesss, 24 Movie written and directed by Vikram Kumar is one of the rare tamil movies which believes in audience intelligence. Vikram kumar has brilliantly delivered a fusion of all the commercial elements in a Sci-fi movie. Here I have listed down the 5 things which you may have missed in the movie.


1. Time travel

Did you notice that the time travel concept in 24 is different from other movies which are released in this genre? In 24 the actual person doesn’t travel and only his memories till date travels to either past or future him, Infact this what makes the movie a unique in the genre. The other app laudable idea is if the person travels with the watch to his past the person who has that watch at that time looses the watch, That’s why Mani looses the watch when Athreya travels back a day and Sethu looses the watch when Mani travels back.

2. Ayushman Bhava Contrast:

Athreya blesses sethu as “Ayushman bhava [Long live ]”  before shooting him twice in the movie . As per his blessings sethu happens to live long, Mani saves him first by time travelling avoiding the shooting in train and the watch gets activated as soon as Athreya blesses sethu before shooting in the lawn. Intelligent writing isn’t it ?

ayushman bhava

3. The Eagle Effect:

We know about butterly effect which states that small changes causes large effect. Vikram kumar has used the same in 24. The director has used an eagle to create these small changes in the plot.

  • A eagle pushes the electrical wire from the watch man who was trying to disconnect the electricity on the transformer on the very first scene of the movie, This is the same wire which sethu uses to charge his watch in the climax.
  • The feather of the eagle falls into a chemical during experiment by sethu which makes his experiment a success and this is the only difference between the procedures followed by Athreya and Sethu for inventing the watch
  • Again the feather of the eagle is used to create fire in the hospital resulting in Athreya loosing the key resulting in the key finding its way to Mani
  • When Sethu throws the watch in the forest during climax we could hear the sound of an eagle at the background which could be used in the plot if they decide to do a sequel.

4. Stephen Hawking :

Many of you  would have already knew that the Athreya character was inspired from the scientist Stephen Hawking. Interestingly stephen was perfectly fine until he is diagnosed with ALS disease at the age of 16. Stephen in one of his interview stated that his interest in time travel during his teen age evoked just because he could be back to his normal life if he has been treated earlier in his age, very similar to Athreya who desperately wants to get his normal life .

5. Time Freeze:

One of the interesting portion in the movie other than time travel is time freeze where the time freezes if you activate the device. Interestingly the movie “clock stoppers ”  with a similar concept released in 2002. This could be a mere co-incidence or a genuine inspiration  as they say  the creative process begins with gaining inspiration.

I sincerely hope content driven movies like 24 succeeds big so that the stars of Tamil cinema lean towards such movies , A welcome change Isn’t it ?

Your’s sincerely,

MoviePaithiyam 🙂

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One Comment Add yours

  1. Raja says:

    A brilliant movie ! Many unpredictable flow of events make 24 truly marvellous! Great job 24 team & salute Suriya for remarkable role as Athreya.


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